Our story

Website Terms and Conditions of Use

The main function of the Ana Betancur website is to provide information regarding its initiatives and services, as well as to disseminate and promote standards and guidelines regarding aesthetic and beauty products.
Ana Betancur. requests the visitor and the user of this page, to carefully and carefully read these conditions and the privacy policy, before beginning their exploration or use, and in case they do not agree with these conditions or with any provision of the privacy policy. privacy, we suggest that you refrain from accessing or browsing the website of our entity.
1. Acceptance of Terms 
When a user accesses the Ana Betancur website. It does so under its full responsibility and therefore fully and unreservedly accepts the content of the terms and conditions of use of the entity's website. Ana Betancur. reserves, in all respects, the right to update and modify at any time and in any way, unilaterally and without prior notice, these conditions of use and the contents of the page.
The provision of the service of the Ana Betancur page. It is free of charge for users and is governed by the terms and conditions that are included below, which are understood as known and accepted by the users of the site:

2. Copyright
This Internet page and its content, including texts, graphics, logos, animations, and sounds, are the property of Ana Betancur. Its total or partial reproduction, translation, inclusion, transmission, storage, or access through analog or digital media is prohibited. or of any other system or technology created, without prior written authorization from Ana Betancur.
Users can retrieve, display, print, copy or download any material from this site exclusively for personal and non-commercial use, as long as express mention is made of the property headed by Ana Betancur. of aesthetic and beauty line products.
With respect to the contents that appear on the Ana Betancur website, the user agrees to:
Use the contents diligently, correctly and legally.
Do not delete, evade, or manipulate copyright (copyright) and other data that identifies Ana Betancur rights. of aesthetic and beauty line products.
Do not use the contents and, in particular, the information of any other class obtained through Ana Betancur. or services, to broadcast advertising.
Ana Betancur. will not be responsible for the improper use made by users of the content of its Web page.
The visitor or user of the Web page will be responsible for any improper, illegal, or abnormal use made of the contents, information, or services of the Ana Betancur Web page. The visitor or user of the site, directly or through an intermediary, will not attempt in any way against the Ana Betancur website, against its technological platform, against its information systems, nor will it interfere with its normal functioning.
The visitor or user of the site will not alter, block or carry out any other act that prevents the display or access to any content, information or services on the Ana Betancur site. or that are incorporated into the web pages linked to theAna Betancur.

The visitor or user of the Website Ana Betancur. You will not send or transmit on or to this website, to other users or to any person, any information that is obscene, defamatory, insulting, slanderous or discriminatory against Ana Betancur., against its officials or against those responsible for the administration of the Web page.

The visitor or user of the Website Ana Betancur, will not incur in and from it, in illegal conduct such as damage or computer attacks, interception of communications, copyright infringements, unauthorized use of terminals, identity theft, disclosure of secrets or false documents.

3. Privacy Ana Betancur. undertakes to safeguard the privacy of the User's personal information obtained through the entity's website, for which it adopts a confidentiality policy in accordance with what is established below.

Personal information is understood to be that provided by the User for registration, which includes data such as name, identification, age, gender, address, email and telephone.
The User acknowledges that the entry of personal information is done voluntarily and upon request of specific requirements by Ana Betancur. to carry out a procedure, file a complaint or claim, or to access the interactive mechanisms.

On the occasion of a procedure or service carried out by Electronic means, the Entity may request information from the Users of the Website and will treat it with all the legal and security guarantees imposed by the Political Constitution, the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data. personnel and other concordant norms. The request for information is always made so that the User provides it voluntarily. Ana Betancur. undertakes not to assign, sell, or share the data received on the Website with third parties without your express approval. The affiliated entities will not be considered third parties for these purposes. In addition, Ana Betancur. will cancel or rectify the data when they are inaccurate, incomplete or no longer necessary or relevant for its purpose.

The Registered User undertakes to notify the entity, immediately and by reliable means, of any unauthorized use of his password.
4. Third Party Websites and Information
The Web page may offer hyperlinks or access to Web pages and content of other persons or entities, with the purpose of informing the User about the existence of other sources capable of expanding the content that it offers, or that are related to those. Ana Betancur. does not control, endorse or guarantee the content included in said sites, nor is it responsible for the operation or accessibility of the linked Web pages; nor does it suggest, invite or recommend a visit to them, so it will not be responsible for the result obtained.

The User accepts that the entity is not responsible for any content, associated link, resource or service related to a third party site. Likewise, the User accepts that Ana Betancur. will not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind arising from the use made of the contents of a third party.

The Ana Betancur.is not responsible for any consequence derived from the improper entry of third parties to the database and/or for any technical failure in the operation and/or conservation of data in the system in any of the menus of its Web page.

Equally, Ana Betancur, cannot guarantee the availability of online services and the information that users require at any given time. Nor will it incur any liability to the user or third parties when its Web page is not available.

Ana Betancur. will not respond in any case and under any circumstances, for attacks or incidents against the security of its website or against its information systems; or for any unauthorized, fraudulent or illegal exposure or access to its website and that may affect the confidentiality, integrity or authenticity of the information published or associated with the contents and services offered on it.
5. Responsibility for the information contained
Due to the fact that at present the technical means do not allow to guarantee the absolute lack of interference of the action of third parties in the Web pages, Ana Betancur. in no way guarantees the accuracy and/or veracity of all or part of the information contained on its page, nor its updating, nor that said information has been altered or modified in whole or in part, after being published on the page, nor any other aspect or characteristic of what is published on the site or in the links, respectively.

Ana Betancur. does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in your computer system (software and hardware) or in electronic documents and files stored on your computer system.
6. Applicable law and jurisdiction
The user may not manifest before Ana Betancur. or before a judicial or administrative authority, the application of a condition, rule or agreement that is not expressly incorporated into these conditions of use.

These conditions will be governed by the laws of the Republic of Colombia, in aspects that are not expressly regulated in them.
If any provision of these conditions loses validity or binding force, for any reason, all the other provisions retain their mandatory force, binding nature and will generate all their effects.
For any legal or judicial effect, the place of these conditions is the city of Medellín, Republic of Colombia, and any dispute arising from its interpretation or application will be submitted to the judges of the Republic of Colombia.