Anti-aging solution with peptides, restores the skin, stimulates its regeneration and fights the signs of aging, smoothing expression lines and preventing loss of firmness, this product stimulates fibroblasts and the production of collagen and elastin, increases the density of the skin, ideal for working with dermapen and electroporator.
Active principles:
Peptides: They are chains of amino acids that stimulate cell activity through the interaction of specific molecules, helping to repair, build and rebuild tissues such as collagen and elastin and improve the texture and appearance of the skin.
Vitamin C: It is an organic acid with antioxidant properties. It is essential for fibroblasts to form collagen, it interacts with melanocytes causing them to produce less melanin.
Hyaluronic acid: It is one of the main components of the extracellular matrix of the human organism, it is abundant in the skin and is present in the vitreous humor, umbilical cord, synovial fluid, skeletal tissue, heart valves, lungs, aorta, prostate, penis. It is the main water retainer of the skin and restores hydration
DMAE: It is a hydrophilic molecule, of low molecular weight, its action is due to being a precursor of acetylcholine. Firming effect on the skin, improves the stability of the cell membrane and protects it from free radicals and helps it eliminate toxins. Improves the contractibility of the skin, thus helping to reduce fine lines of expression in the orbicularis of the eyes and mouth.
elastin: It is a connective tissue protein with structural functions that confers elasticity to tissues, compared to collagen that provides resistance.
Topical use
5 vials of 5 ml